Aortic Stenosis
What is Aortic Stenosis (AS) Normal area of aortic valve is 1.5–2 cm². It is severe, if the area is < 1 cm². If the valve area is < 0.7…
What is Aortic Stenosis (AS) Normal area of aortic valve is 1.5–2 cm². It is severe, if the area is < 1 cm². If the valve area is < 0.7…
Causes of Pulmonary Regurgitation • Dilatation of pulmonary valve secondary to pulmonary hypertension.• Secondary to mitral stenosis producing an early diastolic murmur (Graham Steel murmur).• Rheumatic fever.• Carcinoid syndrome. Symptoms…
Causes of Pulmonary Stenosis • Congenital (most common).• Associated with Carcinoid syndrome, Noonan’s syndrome, Fallot’s tetralogy.• May occur, if there is rubella in pregnancy. Symptoms • May be asymptomatic.• Symptoms,…
Causes of Tricuspid Regurgitation (TR) • Functional—secondary to pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, right heart failure (commonestcause).• Chronic rheumatic heart disease.• Infective endocarditis (commonly involved in drug addicts).• Congenital heart disease…
What is Mitral Valve Prolapse (MPV) It is also called Barlow’s syndrome or floppy mitral valve. In this condition, a mitral valve leaflet, commonlythe posterior leaflet prolapses into the left…
Causes of Mitral Regurgitation • Chronic rheumatic heart disease.• Mitral valve prolapse.• Papillary muscle dysfunction.• Infective endocarditis.• Trauma or mitral valvotomy.• Connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Marfan’s syndrome, Ehler-Danlossyndrome).•…
Definition It is the common primary tumour of heart, usually benign, may be pedunculated, polypoid,gelatinous, attached by a pedicle to the atrial septum. It may be sporadic and familial. It…