Heart Block
Definition of Heart Block It is defined as defect in either initiation or conduction of cardiac impulse. Sites of Heart Block • SA node. • AV node. • Bundle of…
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Definition of Heart Block It is defined as defect in either initiation or conduction of cardiac impulse. Sites of Heart Block • SA node. • AV node. • Bundle of…
What is Cardiac Arrest It is defined as sudden loss of cardiac function, when the heart abruptly stops beating. Causes of Cardiac Arrest 1. Ventricular fibrillation (commonest cause). 2. Ventricular…
What is Pulmonary Hypertension It is defined as mean pulmonary arterial pressure > 25 mm Hg at rest and > 30 mm Hg during exercise. Causes of Pulmonary Hypertension 1.…
Definition Heart attack or Myocardial infarction (MI) is defined as myocardial necrosis which occurs as a result of a critical imbalance between coronary blood flow and myocardial demand due to…
Definition It is defined as paroxysmal precordial pain of short duration due to transient (temporary) myocardial ischaemia. Clinical Features Symptoms Main symptom is pain which has the following characters— •…
Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) results from reduced coronary blood flow to the myocardium, when there is an imbalance between the supply of oxygen and myocardial demand. IHD includes angina pectoris…
Definition It is a state of compression of the heart in rapidly developing pericardial effusion. It interferes with the diastolic filling of the heart and the patient develops features of…
What is Takayasu’s Disease Takayasu’s disease is named in honor of Japanese ophthalmologist Mikito Takayasu, who first reported a case of the disease in 1905. His patient was a 21-year-old…
Definition It is the infection of the endocardium (inner layer), mainly the lining of the chamber or heart valve or congenital anomaly. It usually occurs at the site of pre-existing…
Definition It is the inflammation of the myocardium(middle layer) of heart. Causes 1. Infection: –– Viral—Coxsackie A and B, influenza A and B. –– Bacterial—Streptococcus, Pneumococcus, Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease).…